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Learn how you can build trust with potential customers, increase your conversion rate AND build SEO value for your website - all by using reviews!

Learn how you can build trust with potential customers, increase your conversion rate AND build SEO value for your website - all by using reviews!


Chris is the CEO of ReviewTrackers, an award-winning customer feedback software platform for managing online reviews and harnessing the voice of the customer. He has been described as reasonably handsome, wicked smart and a darn good problem solver. He approaches life with an insatiable curiosity with a passion for traveling and learning.


  • Regular monitoring and analysis of reviews can provide insights on how to improve your customer experience and product or service
  • Reviews affect SEO (Search Engine Optimization) value more than you think; showing up on Google Maps as a business “near me” is influenced 20% to 30% by your reviews 
  • No review plan? Take 15 minutes and do three things: 
    1. Claim your profiles online - Google Business, Yelp, Trip Advisor, Facebook, etc.
    2. Ask FIVE customers to leave you a review
    3. Monitor, respond as needed and address changes your organization needs to make
  • You can ask for reviews easily: add a section to your newsletter, include on your website, insert in your email signature or place a flyer with each order
  • Even bad reviews are an opportunity: thank them for their feedback, apologize, and discuss the experience and how your products/services will improve. Prospects and customers want to know you’re listening!



FULL EVENT Transcript
These transcripts come from live conversations. Please excuse any typos or errors.

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