The Experts You Need
For the Growth You Want

Janet Viane

Chief Strategy Officer

Dogged perseverance and a career of taking opportunities others shunned gave me the chance to take risks, fail and succeed, experience every growth strategy imaginable, drive incredible financial results and build undeniable business stories...all with uncompromised integrity, team orientation and three kids in tow!

Super Powers

According to LinkedIn endorsements, my superpowers are Strategy, Leadership and Business Development. And you know if it’s on the internet it must be true!

Industry Experience

Marketing Services, Technology, Manufacturing, Retail, Healthcare, Non-Profit, Professional Services

Street Cred

30 years leading business transformation through start ups, rapid growth, acquisitions, turnarounds, and exits. Board Director at Scot Forge (open die forge ESOP) and Revieve (beauty technology company). Senior leader in every type of business environment from sole owner to family owned to Fortune 100. I’ve seen it all. Frequent guest speaker at client and industry events, webinars, radio shows, and universities.


There’s plenty of time to rest when you’re dead (says my mother) so I’m involved in non-profit boards, mentoring, teaching at the university level, and volunteering for causes related to health, education and animal welfare. Gave up on golf years ago.

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