Question #1
What’s The Most Fulfilling Aspect
of Your Role at Red Caffeine?
Building relationships with my clients! I’m always interested in learning more about my clients because I work with each of them so closely on a regular basis. Meaning, not only do I care about their business challenges, but I also care about what else makes them happy or keeps them up at night. Ultimately, learning more and building that client relationship is about building trust. If they trust me, the team, and the work we’re doing together, then solving their business challenges and helping them succeed becomes that much easier and is incredibly rewarding!

Question #2
What’s The Most Fulfilling Aspect of Your
Role at Red Caffeine?
I continue to see clients struggle with what to measure, or how to create a direct line from marketing to sales. This is not new or trendy. It is really challenging to figure out what goals are the most meaningful, and how to measure the success of marketing efforts! But I believe that if strategic direction is created based on a client’s goals, then setting KPIs to track Return on Improvement and Return on Investment will be a lot easier, and will give us a true picture of performance.

Question #3
What Projects or Accomplishments Come to
Mind When You Think Back on Your Time at
Red Caffeine?
I’ve been fortunate enough to experience many different types of client success during my time at RC. I’ve continued to learn so much about what makes for an effective Discovery Workshop, and how to build individualized strategic multi-channel marketing plans. Underneath that, my proudest accomplishments are the ongoing work I do to support the growth and structure of our Account Leadership team and annually measuring client satisfaction. Both of these foundational efforts give me insights from clients that help us build a strong team to help them achieve their success. The foundational work is always key!
Question #4
What’s Your Favorite Way to Collaborate
with Other Red Caffeine Team Members?
In person. In person. In person. I’m an extrovert!
I will take in-person time whenever I can get it.
Question #5
Outside of Work, What’s One Passion
or Hobby That Energizes You?
Planning adventures, parties, and crafts with my daughter, or finding a pool or beach! On any given weekend, we’ll go to a museum, a new park, see a show, take a nature walk, try a science experiment, or make something new.

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