Question #1
What’s The Most Fulfilling Aspect
of Your Role at Red Caffeine?
I love working with the talented Red Caffeine team and with clients who understand and appreciate what we bring to the table. At the end of the day, it’s all about helping our clients tell their best stories, both visually and verbally.

Question #2
What are a Few Challenges or Trends Occurring in Your Area of Expertise Right Now?
One significant challenge is not being able to connect in person with clients and teammates as much as I would like to. Sometimes the digital space can be limiting with everyone in the world being so busy. We constantly have to innovate and find unique ways to capture attention, which is both a challenging and exciting aspect of our work.

Question #3
What Projects or Accomplishments Come to
Mind When You Think Back on Your Time at
Red Caffeine?
Interior Branding is a particular passion of mine. I love bringing a brand to life inside an organization’s facilities. This not only re-energizes internal teams but also presents a cohesive, unified image to both current and potential customers.
Something else I love: I recently did a brand re-fresh for a client who needed to update their name, messaging, and look across all media. The project included naming research and recommendations, tagline development, brand standards, website, all collateral, trade show needs, etc.
Question #4
What's Your Favorite Way to Collaborate
with Other Red Caffeine Team Members?
I enjoy Zoom coffee brainstorming sessions and in-person meetings, when possible. I love brainstorming and always tell the team that NO IDEA IS A BAD IDEA. You never know how a nugget of an idea can grow or spur other great ideas.
Question #5
Outside of Work, What's One Passion
or Hobby That Energizes You?
Being outside - kayaking, hiking, fundraising, and spending time with family and friends.

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