How Investing in Digital Transformation and Brand Evolution Accelerates Growth for Cable Manufacturer


Increase in
Annual Revenue


More RFQ Conversions Post Website Relaunch


Increase In
Keyword Rankings

Building a Customer Centric Buying Experience

Investment in technology contributes to the
highest revenue achieved in 50 year history

Lexco® Cable is a leading manufacturer of wire rope, cable, and bungee cord assemblies. Since 1952, the family-owned business has manufactured top-quality cable products providing robust solutions in a wide range of configurations. Lexco faced a critical challenge: their website was more than just an informational platform; it was the primary source of Request For Quotes (RFQs) from organic and paid traffic. With the understanding that 88% of online consumers do not return after a bad web experience, they knew they needed to revamp their digital presence. The goal was to transform the site into a 24-hour sales representative and brand ambassador, fully integrated with CRM and ERP systems for future automation and digital transformation of business operations.


Enhancing the Digital Buying Experience to Boost Sales

Lexco wanted to provide quick and easy ways for customers to submit a quote online, in effect, creating a 24-hour virtual sales representative and brand ambassador. At the same time, the company needed to maintain its website’s domain authority and SEO position. Any change as significant as a website rebuild carries a good amount of risk. For Lexco, those risks were balanced against perceived advantages in better serving its customers.

The RC Solution

A Grow-to-Market™ Plan Centered on Brand-Building and Technology

To meet these challenges, Red Caffeine led the client through a strategic website redesign. To fulfill the clients expectations, the website redesign needed to heavily concentrate on user experience and design aesthetics. Our approach started with a mobile-first mindset, which involved designing the website with intuitive navigation to optimize user experience on mobile devices. The content strategy was curated meticulously to cater to each buyer type visiting the website. Unique features included a product configurator that allows users to customize wire rope assemblies for a quote with visualizations of the end product and an image gallery.


  • Content Strategy: Tailoring website content to cater specifically to each buyer type, ensuring relevance and engagement.
  • Product Configurator: Introducing a feature that allowed users to customize wire rope assemblies for quotes with visualizations of the end product, enhancing the interactive experience.
  • Image Gallery: Providing an extensive view of wire rope, cable, and bungee assemblies to assist in the decision-making process.
  • SEO Domain Authority Preservation: Implementing a strategy to preserve SEO domain authority across nearly 9000 pages and 700+ images, maintaining online visibility.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrating the site with CRM, ERP, ThomasNet’s Catalog Navigator, and Chatfield Global’s Careers Portal, creating a unified business technology stack.
  • Content Management Platform: Allowing Lexco to efficiently add new products and update content, ensuring the website remains current and user-friendly.

Record-Breaking Revenue and Enhanced
Brand Recognition

The website overhaul resulted in significant tangible and intangible benefits:

The redesign of Lexco Cable’s website was pivotal in building its brand and becoming an indispensable ingredient in its growth strategy. By focusing on creating a superior user experience and integrating advanced digital features, they are successfully positioned as a leader in its industry. The website now serves not just as a platform for generating sales but as a dynamic representation of Lexco’s brand, showcasing its commitment to quality, innovation, and customer service. This strategic approach to digital transformation and brand development has set a new standard for Lexco, driving unparalleled growth and establishing a strong foundation for future success.

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